
Interactive Installation

Alone/Lonely explores the conflicting emotions that often accompany depression: a yearning for connection and a simultaneous desire for isolation. When visitors are absent, the projection displays a stark message: "I AM SO LONELY." But as visitors approach, the 3D-printed characters undergo transformations, morphing into "LEAVE ME ALONE." The playful yet poignant interaction reflects the complex and contradictory nature of depression, capturing the longing for support while simultaneously pushing others away. Switching between its whimsical yet melancholic states, I AM SO LONELY / LEAVE ME ALONE offers a relatable and thought-provoking exploration of mental health.

Alone/Lonely detects the presence of visitors using sensors, and utilizes servos and Arduino technology to dynamically rotate or flip 3D-printed characters, projecting the resulting shadows onto the wall using a projector for an interactive and visually engaging experience.